Love The Earth
Sustainability is important to us!
Red Hill and the Mornington Peninsula Hinterland is precious, and we need to look after it. It is why we are committed to continuously furthering our environmental approach and actions. From Solar energy to low food mileage, compostable packaging and chemical-free cleaning.
We are looking after mother earth as she is looking after us.

Making A Difference

BYO Bags
Since 2005 Cellar & Pantry has moved away from using plastic shopping bags. Instead on offer are cardboard boxes, recycled from our grocery and produce deliveries, and paper bags you can buy for cost price but even better BYO bags!

Fresh Produce Bags
For those who forgot to bring they’re own produce bags, we offer brown paper bags and BioPak bags (which are home compostable and made of plant starches).

All Produce scraps go to our huge compost bin or to pigs feed. Not into landfill.

Solar Panels
Since 2017 we draw energy consumption from our rooftop solar panels. It feels quite fantastic to see some days that our store runs entirely on solar energy!!!

Our in store packaging is 99% BioPak and BYO containers are most welcome.

Take away Coffee Cups
When you BYO coffee cup, you save a little every time! However if you forget, our takeaway cups are BioPak cups are compostable and plant starch made (due to COVID 19 however, we aren’t providing BYO containers/cups service).

eWater – (ewatersystems.com)
We use cleaning products that are generated from water and salt. The technology works by passing a dilute salt solution through an electrolyser that segregates the ions formed, producing two oppositely charged solutions with altered physical and chemical properties. This process produces a cleaning solution and a sanitiser. No harmful chemicals are used in the store. It is better for our staff health and also for our grey water system, as no harsh chemicals to kill the living organism that is required in our ecosystem to break down waste.